
Honey select unlimited 1.2 update
Honey select unlimited 1.2 update

honey select unlimited 1.2 update

We make honey select 2 character cards and scenes 3d model, pornostars, celebrity, anime etc with 8k hq and realistic skin pores. it will allow you to load all character cards and scenes and give you countless content creation and gameplay improvements. it also fixes many common issues with the game. an unofficial patch for honeyselect2 that installs the latest fan made english translations and essential mods. holly molly it works, i didn't expect the. for the ones included, but you can get more and there is no info on where or how.

honey select unlimited 1.2 update

the characters are stored on the image file so thats literally it. download the image file and add them to your userdata chara female (or male) folders.

honey select unlimited 1.2 update

No instructions for anything, somehow you are just supposed to know. NOTE I'm not trying to be mean, as it's possible that I've messed something up, I'm currently waiting for another version(which may just be a ripoff) by Dieking but the torrent is shit.Honey Select 2 Character Cards Download Cards Info sort of but the mods for a lot of flashbangz are all over the place. No idea where full save vanished to, so in the end I D/Led an original H.S with DLC', etc, then overwrote with unlimiteds, added flashbangz version, threw 1.1 update on it, followed by megamod pack, then turned the whole fucking mess on, it works. New problem, mods don't seem to match card requirements, including both preinstalled and when added, those in the megapack. Fixed that, started english launcher, reset hs32 to full screen, this finally got the game started in right size. Sorry for slow reply, the big new D/L wouldn't go full screen even with update, english launcher wouldn't work without HoneySelect_32, got that from the unlimited D/L, though that didn't work untill I realised that the creator had added 'unlimited' into every title.

Honey select unlimited 1.2 update